Margery Amdur

“I am a mark maker-on and off the canvas, and I don’t restrict myself to any one material. I like to live in that very fluid space between painting, sculpture, and printmaking, and the idea of an obsessively ritualized process is still very prominent in the work.”

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Margery Amdur received her B.F.A. from Carnegie-Mellon University and her M.F.A. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Margery has had over 60 solo and two-person exhibitions. Her international exhibitions include Turkey, Hungary, Poland, England, and Iceland.

She has been reviewed in national and international publications including Sculpture Magazine, New American Paintings, Fiber Arts, New Art Examiner, Art Papers, and in two of the Manifest International Publications. Her work was on the cover and featured in the fall 2014 issue of Art Voices. She was shortlisted in the 2015 International Aesthetica Art Prize, and included in the publication Future Now. A personal interview with the artist can be found on the Aesthetica site.

For over twenty years, Margery has been actively creating permanent as well as temporary installations. In 2012, she completed a permanent installation, Walking on Sunshine, 4,000 square feet of flooring, platforms in the Spring Garden subway station, Philadelphia, PA. In the fall of 2015, Margery completed a 20’ x 10’ installation, My Nature, at the Philadelphia International Airport, and completed a site-specific installation at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, where for six weeks she was in residence as a guest artist. In 2016, she will be exhibiting her work at the University of Hawaii, and work from the Amass series will travel as part of the upcoming Fiber International Exhibition.
