Call for artists - Art in Embassies Bern

Call for Artworks: Art in Embassies: The Intersection between Art, Science, Technology and the Environment – The U.S. Embassy Bern, in cooperation with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, announced the opening of a competition for Swiss artists on the theme of the intersection between art, science, technology and the environment. The selected works will be displayed as part of the collection currently on show at the Residence of Suzan G. LeVine, U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

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Call for Artworks: Art in Embassies: The Intersection between Art, Science, Technology and the Environment – The U.S. Embassy Bern, in cooperation with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, announced the opening of a competition for Swiss artists on the theme of the intersection between art, science, technology and the environment. The selected works will be displayed as part of the collection currently on show at the Residence of Suzan G. LeVine, U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

“The U.S. Government’s Art in Embassies program enables Ambassadors around the world to share an important part of U.S. culture,” said Ambassador LeVine. “For my collection I have chosen art within the theme of science, technology and the environment – a theme that in so many ways reflects the significance that both Switzerland and the U.S. place on creativity, innovation and progress in all those areas. I am proud to be working with Pro Helvetia to identify Swiss art works to be added to the collection so that we can display creative artistic expressions of that theme from both cultures side by side.”

The “Call for Artworks: Art in Embassies – The Intersection between Arts, Science, Technology and the Environment” will be open until May 1, 2015. All entries will be assessed by an international jury comprised of Ambassador LeVine, Marc Bodmer, journalist and expert at Pro Helvetia, and Ariane Koek , Founding Director, Arts@CERN.

“Ideas and intellectual property are the currency that has made Switzerland a leader in innovation,” said Andrew Holland, Director Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. “Through its worldwide network, and especially with the two centers in the San Francisco and New York, Pro Helvetia works with cultural institutions and artists at the interface of the arts, technology and science and supports their interaction. We are therefore very happy that we are, with our program ‘Mobile. In touch with Digital Creation,’ part of this exhibition of the U.S Embassy Residence in Bern, as this enables us to deepen the dialogue with U.S. partners, not only in the U.S. but also here in Switzerland.

The intersection between art, science, technology and the environment has grown to an important topic on the agenda of many governments. The current shift implied by digital technologies has direct consequences on the landscapes of innovation and creativity. Artists and researchers are using new tools and mindsets to shape the world.


AuthorArt in Embassies
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