Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe member Jessica Leigh Gokey will be on exhibit at the United States Embassy in the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

Gokey’s artwork, “A Dance with Florals,” will be on display as part of the Art in Embassies program of the U.S. Department of State ( U.S. Ambassador Joe Donnelly and Mrs. Donnelly chose Gokey’s work to be displayed in the embassy in Rome for the duration of his tenure as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.

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The beadwork of artist Jessica Leigh Gokey, a member of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Band of Lake Superior Indians, will be on exhibit at the United States Embassy in the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

Gokey’s artwork, “A Dance with Florals,” will be on display as part of the Art in Embassies program of the U.S. Department of State ( U.S. Ambassador Joe Donnelly and Mrs. Donnelly chose Gokey’s work to be displayed in the embassy in Rome for the duration of his tenure as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.

“I am incredibly honored to be a part of the Art in Embassies program,” Gokey said. “My goal while participating in this prestigious program is to show the world that traditional Native American arts should be viewed as Fine Art instead of craft or folk art. My people’s art forms take years to master and incredible discipline and skill; they should be acclaimed with mainstream art of today.”  Read More

AuthorSawyer County Record
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