Maurice Braun, Country Road, Oil on canvas, Overall: 40 x 30in. (101.6 x 76.2cm), Private Collection, Courtesy of The Irvine Museum, Irvine, California
Richard L Partington, Looking Across the Golden Gate, Oil on canvas, Overall: 31 x 36in. (78.7 x 91.4cm), Private Collection, Courtesy of The Irvine Museum, Irvine, California
ZZ Wei, Storm Triptych, Oil on canvas, Left & Right panels: 32 x 32 x 2 in. (81.3 x 81.3 x 5.1 cm) each of two; Center panel: 50 x 38 x 2 in. (127 x 96.5 x 5.1 cm), Courtesy of the artist, Seattle, Washington, and Attic Gallery, Portland, Oregon
John Gamble, Red Buckwheat, Oil on canvas, Overall: 28 x 42in. (71.1 x 106.7cm), Courtesy of The Irvine Museum, Irvine, California
Harold Harrington Betts, Half Dome, Yosemite, Oil on canvas, Overall: 33 x 40in. (83.8 x 101.6cm), Private Collection, Courtesy of The Irvine Museum, Irvine, California
Douglas Martenson, Window Shade, Oil on canvas
, Other: 40 x 30in. (101.6 x 76.2cm), Courtesy of the artist and Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mary Hatch, The Messenger, Oil on canvas, Overall: 28 x 36in. (71.1 x 91.4cm); framed, 29 x 37"
, Courtesy of the artist, Kalamazoo, Michigan
ZZ Wei, Afternoon Shadows, Oil on canvas, Overall: 60 x 48 x 2 in. (152.4 x 121.9 x 5.1 cm), Courtesy of the arist and Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Seattle, Washington