
London Media
Mark Rothko, Untitled, 1951, Oil on canvas, Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Conversations with American Artists: Brice Marden

Brice Marden inaugurated the “American Artist Lecture Series” at the Tate Modern Museum in London on May 14, 2012. He is shown speaking with Marjorie Susman, wife of U.S. Ambassador to the UK Louis Susman, about the “ART in Embassies” (AIE) exhibition of modern art at Winfield House, the Ambassador’s official residence in London. In […]

Conversations with American Artists: Brice Marden Video

Brice Marden inaugurated the “American Artist Lecture Series” at the Tate Modern Museum in London on May 14, 2012. He is shown speaking with Marjorie Susman, wife of U.S. Ambassador to the UK Louis Susman, about the “ART in Embassies” (AIE) exhibition of modern art at Winfield House, the Ambassador’s official residence in London. In […]

American Artist Lecture Series: Brice Marden at TATE Modern

The AIE American Artists Lecture Series, a three year programmatic collaboration among Art in Embassies, the Tate Modern Museum, and Embassy London – building relationships and sharing ideas in support of cultural diplomacy. This inaugural lecture features internationally regarded artist Brice Marden.
Brice Marden at the first TATE American Artist Lecture series in 2012

Painting that could cure diseases

Painting that could cure diseases – At 6.15pm on a drizzly Monday, dozens of people are queuing in front of Tate Modern in London. Above, the rainclouds are swelling to a brooding, luminous pewter not dissimilar from the shade used by Brice Marden for his early monochrome paintings. Exhibited in mid-1960s New York, they set […]

AIE and TATE Artist Lecture Series

American Artist Lecture Series Inauguration – The Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies (AIE) is pleased to announce the AIE American Artist Lecture Series at the Tate Modern-London, in a unique collaboration with Embassy London. In celebration of AIE’s 50th anniversary, the three-year-long program will feature six noted American artists. Brice Marden, internationally […]
TATE Modern

AIE announces new collaboration

American Artist Lecture Series Inauguration – The Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies (AIE) is pleased to announce the AIE American Artist Lecture Series at the Tate Modern-London, in a unique collaboration with Embassy London. In Brice Marden’s early work brought together the painterly quality of abstract expressionism with the intellectual rigours of […]

Sharing the Artful Impulse

Stonington – Inside the La Grua Center Friday afternoon, art became a truly cooperative process. Five individuals worked together in silence on a single, enormous canvas. One woman dabbed orange onto her brush. Another slid a line of yellow onto the work. Once the participants added something, they tended to step back and appraise where […]
Local residents learn about Tunisian Collaborative Painting
annenberg room winfield house london

Art in Embassies preview with Ambassador Tuttle in London

Ambassador Tuttle’s Art in Embassies exhibition, a tour of Winfield House.
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